Emergency dental issues can be distressing and painful, requiring immediate attention to combat the inconveniences. An emergency dentist Burlingame will give attention to alleviate any discomfort of the patient on an urgent basis and suggest a treatment plan to prevent further complications.
However, small negligence can cause dental accidents and injuries, which can be easily avoided. The injuries arising out of an emergency often become the root cause of further complications, therefore, one must ensure to visit a dentist once in a while in Burlingame.
Regular Dental Checkups
It is mandatory in Burlingame to visit a dentist at least twice a year. Regular dental checkups are important for detecting early signs of dental problems before they escalate into emergencies. Dentists can identify gum diseases, tooth decay, and cavities during these visits and these conditions can be easily treated by maintaining proper hygiene.
Early intervention can help to determine oral infections in a preliminary stage from where the damage can be reversed. Dentists can intervene early to prevent these conditions from worsening and patients can easily avoid the discomfort and pain caused by these emergency treatment procedures.
Professional Cleaning Procedures
During a visit to a dentist in Burlingame, everyone should do a professional cleaning of their teeth. It is a part of preventive care and helps to minimize tooth decay by the accumulation of food debris over time. Even flossing and brushing diligently twice a day will not help in deep cleaning of the gums and teeth. Plaque and tartar can build up on the surface of the teeth, which eventually leads to gum diseases and tooth decay.
After the dental cleaning and checkup, a dentist can provide suggestive preventive plans that can help a person understand the need for regular visits to a dentist. Through thorough check-ups of the tooth and oral condition, preventive plans such as fluoride treatment, dental sealants, and oral care product recommendations are given to the patient.
Oral Hygiene Products
Apart from maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated, using oral care products is equally important for regulating oral health. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains is often suggested to people. One should avoid acidic and sugary food to prevent root decay and gum infections. In addition, flossing and bruising should be done regularly.
Fluoride toothpastes are suggested for brushing teeth twice a day, followed by an effective flossing technique. It removes the food debris inside the small gaps between teeth and gums. It reduces the occurrence of plaque and keeps the teeth clean. This in turn helps to prevent cavities, gum disease, and dental emergencies.
Protective Oral Gear
Sports-related injuries are common in children and sportspersons. For this, it is advised to use mouthguards. During contact sports and other activities, mouthguards can significantly reduce the risk of any dental trauma during the act is performed. It provides cushion impact inside the mouth, protecting the teeth from getting fractured and knocking out teeth.
Excessive teeth grinding is a syndrome seen in many people such as nightguards. They are given custom-made gears to place inside the mouth to protect teeth from the grinding forces. The possibility of getting cracks or worn teeth can be avoided, and along with that, oral gear such as helmets and face shields protect from fractures, dislocations, and avulsions.
Ignoring simple dental issues like pain and swelling can lead to more severe dental issues which will require the assistance of an emergency dentist and surgeon. Therefore, preventing dental emergencies in Burlingame requires its residents to take a proactive approach to maintaining oral health.